The One Valentine’s Day Gift You Should Be Giving

remember big picture Jumpstart Monday | Get your week off to a great start with the Day-Timer blog. Each Monday we’re going to feature a new tip to help you gain a more productive week at work and at home.
Today’s tip: Remember the “Big Picture”

If you’re scrambling around today to buy a last-minute Valentine for your someone special, then this tip comes at the perfect time. Your Big Picture gets easily lost amidst your frantic week of urgent tasks and routine activities.

Try This:

Perform a morning routine that allows you to visualize your Big Picture. Create a goals “Cheat Sheet” that contains a sentence for each walk of life: home, family, work, relationships, and yourself.

  • Write them on a page in your planner, a note card in your wallet, a hallmark card to yourself in your purse — anywhere that is easily accessible
  • Spend 2 minutes each morning visualizing, touching, and thinking about your overarching purpose and values

Here’s Why:

Remembering the Big Picture gives you balance. It reminds you of the important things, like family and friends, that often get lost in the minutia of your day.

Having a daily reminder of what’s important serves two purposes:

  • First, it will motivate you to work hard to achieve the things that matter most to you
  • Second, it will inspire you to make appropriate decisions about your daily activities, like planning a treat for your special Valentine

Now, go take a few minutes to visualize your Big Picture and enjoy a better Valentine’s Day!

[photo by Partha Sarathi Sahana]
Jeff Doubek Day-Timer Spokesperson Jeff Doubek can be reached at