Today’s Productivity Tip: Create Balance

Jump Start Monday | Get your week off to a great start with the Day-Timer blog. Each Monday we’re going to feature a new tip to help you gain a more productive week at work and at home.
Today’s tip: Create balance

Balance is a vital element of your productivity that ensures you are accomplishing goals in the various facets of life that make you whole. This includes work, home, family, self, finances, and more.

Try this: Revisit your plans for this week and make certain that each day contains at least one or two purposeful activities from other walks of life besides work. If each facet of your life were the color of a crayon then your weekly task list should show a spectrum, not just the monotone color of your job.

Here’s why: Finding balance means more to you than getting tasks done, it is also what keeps you sane, week-in, week-out. All work and no play might make Jack and Jackie dull people, but it also creates a stressful existence where the rest of their lives are being neglected. Don’t let that be you.

[photo by laffy4k]
Jeff Doubek Day-Timer Spokesperson Jeff Doubek can be reached at

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