Today’s Productivity Tip: Hit Restart

Jumpstart Monday | Get your week off to a great start with the Day-Timer blog. Each Monday we feature a new tip to help you gain a more productive week at work and at home.
Today’s tip: Hit Restart

Feeling stuck today yet the tasks keep piling on? Here’s a method for getting yourself unstuck and back into a productive workday.

A smart choice for this school year includes a Day-Timer student planner.

Try This:

Start your to-do list over and re-examine your commitments.

  • Spend 5 minutes re-writing a new daily to-do list
  • Start with 3-5 priority tasks you know you can accomplish today
  • Evaluate which tasks must be done and others you’d just like to get done
  • Park the tasks you don’t see doing today on a holding list for another day

Here’s Why:

When you’re feeling stuck, starting over gives you a realistic grasp what you can do today. Keeping it simple always prevails — it makes no sense to create a giant laundry list of things that you’ll never get done. Make tasks that fit into the time you have available.

Want more tips? Check out my guest post entitled “8 Productivity Hacks to Get Out of To-Do List Purgatory” over at the productivity blog

[photo by sebilden]

Day-Timer Spokesperson Jeff Doubek can be reached at

One thought on “Today’s Productivity Tip: Hit Restart

  1. If I could combine all the helpful tips you mentioned, perhaps a software I know can do this all for better time management. It’s also a good approach to eliminate wasted time (such as visiting Facebook , Youtube, etc) which is, undeniably, the number 1 factor that makes you less productive when you are working. If you manage a team that telecommutes, especially if they are “offshore”, you need to monitor their work every time they are working on a project. The more distractions they get the lesser productive they are towards their work.

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