The Essential School Planner Method for Finding Balance in College

Create balance using school planners and calendars

Successful college students must achieve that perfect mix of homework and fun. It’s not easy, but it’s essential.

The true challenge begins when the countless real world obligations (work, career?) creep in as well, especially so for college graduates and soon-to-be grads.

That’s why we’re going to focus here on helpful tips for finding balance when the end of college approaches. By the end of this article, a school planner will be your best friend.

It begins with the pen/paper school planner

I realize it defies the smartphone-based world you’re used to, but my rule of thumb is when chaos sets in – stick to the basics. Having a simplified analog system will allow you to get organized quickly and easily, and without any apps, thumb typing, or boot-up time.

Start a task book

At first, any notebook will do. Or, if you want to make life easier, get yourself a tool like these affordable Day-Timer school planners that are formatted for your task list and daily schedule.

30 minutes each Sunday afternoon

It’s the perfect time to make plans for the week ahead. At the very least, it’s a great way to get your mind out of weekend mode and back to reality. Be sure to isolate yourself from roommates, television, and even your homework. It’s just you and your trusty school planner in a distraction free zone.

The mark of true productivity

Your objective here is balance. Be sure your school planner lists tasks in all aspects of college life. Include: school work, relationships, finances, career planning, and even your own health. Write all down – get all the tasks out of your head that clutter your mind. It’s a liberating experience.

Need some task ideas? Read more about the 9 Steps All Soon-to-Be Grads Need for Their Job Search

Break it down

Making an effective task list requires you to create achievable tasks or you’ll create a procrastination fodder and keep bouncing your tasks from list to list, week to week. Avoid that routine by breaking your tasks down into simple, doable activities.

For more tips, read: 2 Secrets for making a to-do list you’ll get done.

Make a rainbow

If each facet of your life were a color then your weekly task list should show a multi-colored spectrum, not a monotone list of schoolwork. In fact, you can try using a different colored ink for each different task category if you want to get fancy.

This is where scheduling time for your post-college career planning comes into play. Be sure you’re doing at least 2-5 tasks per week in this area.

Nothing falls through the cracks

Your reliable school planner casts a net over all those important and difficult tasks that can slip away during a busy week. Finding balance means more to you than getting tasks done, it is also what keeps you sane, week-in, week-out.

Now… relax

All work and no play might make Jack and Jackie dull people, but it also creates a stressful existence where the rest of their lives are being neglected. Don’t let that be you.

Start your school planner this week and enjoy your balance.

Do you have experience?

If you’re in school, or remember a great tip that helped you find balance, please comment.

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